Tuesday 8 November 2011

A good website design and development tips

It is simple, some websites work while others don't and become annoying or useless to their viewers. As a professional web design business, we have created and re-created many sites. The "great" ones have certain things in common. Ezeelive has some useful tips to help you design a successful website :
1.   It is important that your website design is simple and easy to navigate and use. It is also important to note that websites should be clear of clutter and unnecessary design elements. Websites should still be attractive and memorable.
2.   To keep the viewers on your site, your website should download quickly. If your viewer is kept waiting for extended periods of time, they will become frustrated and take their business elsewhere. To reduce the time it takes to download your website, consider the following:
A)  Minimize the elements that increase the file size. These include graphics, flash and scripts
B)  Optimize your HTML and script code. This means you need to get rid of unwanted and unused scripts and tags - your web developer should do this.
C)  Maximize content area
D)  Keep the design simple
3.   It is important that you design a website that is suitable for all screen resolutions. This means that the amount of scrolling needs to be reduced. Also if your website becomes unattractive from one resolution to another, potential clients might click out of your website before they know what you are offering and are all about.
4.   The color of the background needs to make it easier for the viewer to read the text, not more difficult. Examples of colors that do not work well together include red text on a blue background. It is best to use dark text on a light background. The colors used should be suitable for the nature of your website. Some examples include professional, personal or for children.
5.   Popup windows are a big no-no. They irritate the reader and can cause you to lose business. It is also important to note that too many adverts on a page can be annoying especially if they break up important or interesting text. Too many adverts can make the page very cluttered and busy.
6.   Keep the website current and up to date. Let us help you develop an awesome website with all the latest and stable techniques and programs.
7.   It is important that all design elements are considered when designing a website. These include font design, color and size as well as pictures and other illustrations. These design elements need to complement each other and not clash.
8.   Using white space is very important on your website. This makes it easier to read, manage and explore. It also makes the page appear neat, tidy and easy to read.
9.   To ensure that your website is working as it should, be sure to update and test your website regularly.
10.   The content on your website is mainly what your clients are after. Ensure that the content is informative, concise, relevant, appealing and easy to read.
11.   Keep your target audience in mind. Think about the people who would be interested in visiting your Web site.
12.   Provide a form for visitors to contact you. Visitors are more likely to fill out a form to contact you than clicking on an e-mail link. Always make things easy for your visitors... especially contacting you.
13.   Browser compatible. Check your Web site in the most popular browsers to make sure everything is displayed properly. The top two browsers used are Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, but there are others such as the Chrome, Internet Explorer all the versions, Firefox, Safari, AOL browser, Opera and Web TV to name a few. Various versions of the same browser also display differently. It is a good idea to have a program on your computer that checks browser and version compatibility.
12.   Validate website Html, Css, JavaScript, Using W3C Markup Validation Services.
In the last
These tips are handy and necessary when considering designing or upgrading your website. They will ensure that you are on your way to a winning website design.

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