Wednesday 18 July 2012

Ezeelive – Hire Web Designers, Developers and SEO Expert

Hello Friend, Thanks for showing interest in careers with ezeelive web solution. We are leading web design and development company from Mumbai, India. We are working with UK and USA Based company who provided us regular work in web designing and development. They have very high expect in design as well as development.So we have inhouse team for handling and doing work, But sometime they get lots of work from their which can not handle at same time and We require Experience Web Expert in Web Design, Development and SEO. We hire as Freelance or Project Basis work for experience people who have min 4-5 year experience in their industry.

Freelannce Web Designer : We have require freelance web designer who can provide design (In PSD Format) in below points:

1. Layout should be clean and neat.
2. Website Layout Color and Font (google font, cufon) should be proper readable.
3. Attractive logo design.
4. High resolutions images.
5. Clients suggest black colors (But designers is free to use some nice color combo with black).
6. Designer is free to provide and suggestions.

Reference Website Link :

Please send your work profile or portfolio at,

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Wordpress : Its Advantages and disadvantages

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code. Open Source WordPress platform is the platform of choice for most bloggers and can be used successfully for simple website design. It does have some stiff competition though, especially with the release of Drupal and with Joomla’s increasing popularity.
Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, and users need to evaluate what is important for them in a blogging platform/CMS:


1. Easy to Use : - While most products advertise themselves as being “easy to use” WordPress doesn’t advertise this, this is the reputation it has earned. Unlike Drupal and Joomla, WordPress doesn’t require knowledge of PHP or HTML coding.

2. Menu : - Wordpress 3.0 has some great menu options, making it prettier and simpler than Joomla due to its custom menus that can be rearranged to include categories, pages, etc. 

3. Community : - Having a large community to draw on for support and tricks is important to many people and Wordpress has one of the largest online communities around.

4. Themes : - There are thousands of free themes available online to use to help you choose a design for your site. There are also premium themes available for purchase for those who want an added touch of professionalism to their site.

5. Plugins : - There are almost 13,000 plugins available for the Wordpress platform. It is through these plugins that Wordpress gained its CMS title as plugins opened up Wordpress to a world of possibilities. Most of these plugins are free which is cool.  


1. Wordpress Scripting :- For advanced users who are familiar with more advanced techniques like scripting, Wordpress uses its own script. And knowledge of the Wordpress script is necessary for things like adding or removing post dates. 

2. Design Knowledge Required :- To make unique designs in Wordpress you need knowledge of the CSS style sheet language, and odds are that if you have this sort of designing knowledge you will want a more powerful toolset like those available in Drupal-like CMSs.

3. PHP Security : - Unfortunately the PHP security for Wordpress has a shoddy track record and security isn’t as strong as some of the other platforms. This will only be a factor depending on how sensitive the content of your site is. 

4. Queries :- Queries can be a difficult and convoluted process because of all the custom fields you need to use to go take Wordpress beyond typical blogging actions. Often you need a Custom Select Query, which can be a royal pain in the butt.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Advantages of Web Application Development

Web application is an application that is accessed over a network such as the Internet or an intranet . The term may also mean a computer software application that is coded in a browser-supported language (such as JavaScript, combined with a browser-rendered markup language like HTML) and reliant on a common web browser to render the application executable.
1. it is cheaper to implements. For example, if you develop application with .NET you need to have clients that install windows. but in web application, once you develop, any client can access your web apps with any platform.
2. web app development are simple (once you know about css javascript and framework) it can make your life easier.
3. No virus and easy to deploy/install for client.
4. Only one copy of a program will ever need to be updated.
5. 99% of the code is platform independant.
6. Less chance of finding restrictions that the clients computer may have imposed
7. Accessible from wherever your users are
8. Cross platform compatibility in most cases (i.e., Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) because they operate within a web browser window.
9. No installation required for the users
10. You can easily measure what your users are doing
11. You can provide easy collaboration between your users if necessary, as all data are centralized
12. Don't have to enforce version check in client machine.
13. Support and maintenance are easier.
14.  Web applications integrate easily into other server-side web procedures, such as email and searching.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Yii Framework And Its Features

Yii is a free, open-source Web application development framework written in PHP5 that promotes clean, DRY design and encourages rapid development. It works to streamline your application development and helps to ensure an extremely efficient, extensible, and maintainable end product. Yii is a perfect choice for any sized project. However, it has been built with sophisticated, enterprise applications in mind.

Features of Yii Framework : Whether you are one developer building a fairly simple Web site, or a team of distributed developers building an extremely complex Web application, using Yii is like augmenting your development team with additional experienced, professional, and efficient resources.

1.  Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern : Yii implements the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, which is widely adopted in Web programming. MVC aims to separate business logic from user interface considerations, so that developers can more easily change each part without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) and the business rules; the view contains elements of the user interface such as text, form inputs; and the controller manages the communication between the model and the view.

2.  Database Access Objects (DAO), Query Builder, Active Record, DB Migration : Built on top of the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension, Yii Data Access Objects (DAO) enables accessing to different database management systems (DBMS) in a single uniform interface. Applications developed using Yii DAO can be easily switched to use a different DBMS without the need to modify the data accessing code. Yii Query Builder offers an object-oriented method for building SQL queries, which helps reduce risk of SQL injection attacks.

3.  Form input and validation : Collecting user data via HTML forms is one of the major tasks inWeb application development. Besides designing forms, developers need to populate the form with existing data or default values, validate user input, display appropriate error messages for invalid input, and save the input to persistent storage. Yii greatly simplifies this workflow with its MVC architecture.

4.  AJAX-enabled widgets : Extending Yii is a common activity during development. For example, when you write a new controller, you extend Yii by inheriting its CController class; when you write a new widget, you are extending CWidget or an existing widget class. If the extended code is designed to be reused by third-party developers, we call it an extension.

5.  Authentication and authorization : Yii has a built-in authentication/authorization (auth) framework which is easy to use and can be customized for special needs.The central piece in the Yii auth framework is a pre-declared user application component which is an object implementing the [IWebUser] interface. The user component represents the persistent identity information for the current user. We can access it at any place using Yii::app()->user. Using the user component, we can check if a user is logged in or not via CWebUser::isGuest; we can login andlogout a user; we can check if the user can perform specific operations by calling CWebUser::checkAccess; and we can also obtain the unique identifier and other persistent identity information about the user.

6.  Skinning and theming : In Yii, each theme is represented as a directory consisting of view files, layout files, and relevant resource files such as images, CSS files, JavaScript files, etc. The name of a theme is its directory name. All themes reside under the same directoryWebRoot/themes. At any time, only one theme can be active.

7.  Web services : Yii provides CWebService and CWebServiceAction to simplify the work of implementing Web service in a Web application. The APIs are grouped into classes, called service providers. Yii will generate for each class aWSDL specification which describes what APIs are available and how they should be invoked by client. When an API is invoked by a client, Yii will instantiate the corresponding service provider and call the requested API to fulfill the request.

8.  Layered caching scheme : Yii provides various cache components that can store cached data in different media.
A. CMemCache: uses PHP memcache extension.
B. CApcCache: uses PHP APC extension.
C. CXCache: uses PHP XCache extension.
D. CEAcceleratorCache: uses PHP EAccelerator extension.
E. CDbCache: uses a database table to store cached data. By default, it will create and use a SQLite3 database under the runtime directory. You can explicitly specify a database for it to use by setting itsconnectionID property.
F. CZendDataCache: uses Zend Data Cache as the underlying caching medium.
G. CFileCache: uses files to store cached data. This is particular suitable to cache large chunk of data (such as pages).
H. CDummyCache: presents dummy cache that does no caching at all. The purpose of this component is to simplify the code that needs to check the availability of cache. For example, during development or if the server doesn't have actual cache support, we can use this cache component. When an actual cache support is enabled, we can switch to use the corresponding cache component. In both cases, we can use the same code Yii::app()->cache->get($key) to attempt retrieving a piece of data without worrying that Yii::app()->cache might be null.

9.  Error handling and logging : Yii provides a complete error handling framework based on the PHP 5 exception mechanism. When the application is created to handle an incoming user request, it registers its handleError method to handle PHP warnings and notices; and it registers its handleException method to handle uncaught PHP exceptions. Consequently, if a PHP warning/notice or an uncaught exception occurs during the application execution, one of the error handlers will take over the control and start the necessary error handling procedure.

10.  Security :
A. Cross-site Scripting Prevention : Yii incorporates the work of HTMLPurifier and provides developers with a useful component called CHtmlPurifierthat encapsulates HTMLPurifier. This component is capable of removing all malicious code with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist and making sure the filtered content is standard-compliant.

B. Cross-site Request Forgery Prevention : To prevent CSRF attacks, it is important to abide to the rule that GET requests should only be allowed to retrieve data rather than modify any data on the server. And for POST requests, they should include some random value which can be recognized by the server to ensure the form is submitted from and the result is sent back to the same origin.

Yii implements a CSRF prevention scheme to help defeat POST-based attacks. It is based on storing a random value in a cookie and comparing this value with the value submitted via the POST request.

C. Cookie Attack Prevention : Yii implements a cookie validation scheme that prevents cookies from being modified. In particular, it does HMAC check for the cookie values if cookie validation is enabled.

11.  Automatic code generation : Yii is equipped with a Web-based code generation tool called Gii. It supercedes the previous yiic shellgeneration tool which runs on command line. In this section, we will describe how to use Gii and how to extend Gii to increase our development productivity.
12.  Friendly with third-party code : Yii is carefully designed so that third-party libraries can be easily integrated to further extend Yii's functionalities. When using third-party libraries in a project, developers often encounter issues about class naming and file inclusion. Because all Yii classes are prefixed with letter C, it is less likely class naming issue would occur; and because Yii relies on SPL autoload to perform class file inclusion, it can play nicely with other libraries if they use the same autoloading feature or PHP include path to include class files.