Saturday 24 December 2011

Varnish Caching System with Php

Varnish is an open source HTTP accelerator designed for content-heavy dynamic web sites. Varnish Cache is really, really fast. It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 - 1000x, depending on your architecture. A high level overview of what Varnish does can be seen in the video attached to this web page.

Varnish stores data in virtual memory and leaves the task of deciding what is stored in memory and what gets paged out to disk to the operating system. This helps avoid the situation where the operating system starts caching data while they are moved to disk by the application.

The principal configuration mechanism is VCL (Varnish Configuration Language), a domain-specific language (DSL) used to write hooks which are called at critical points in the handling of each request. Most policy decisions are left to VCL code, making Varnish far more configurable and adaptable than most other HTTP accelerators. When a VCL script is loaded, it is translated to C, compiled to a shared object by the system compiler, and linked directly into the accelerator.

Varnish supports load balancing using both a round-robin and a random director, both with a per-backend weighting. Basic health-checking of backends is also available.
Official Website
Download latest version
Varnish Magento Extension

Friday 2 December 2011

Full-text Search with Sphinx and PHP

Sphinx is an open source search server which combines very fast full-text search with a great scalability. It's growing up fast and we not only inventing new features for full text search itself, but also creating new ways to integrate Sphinx into PHP based applications.If you are not yet using Sphinx, we'll be highlighting some key steps on how to serve Full-Text queries to your PHP based applications from start to finish.

If you are an advanced Sphinx Search user, this talk will describe where one can offload MySQL or standard Database functions to Sphinx. From some specific queries one can run on the Sphinx to how to increase both performance and scalability of your applications (web-based or otherwise).

Besides tips and tricks centered around integration with PHP/MySQL based applications, you will learn about the recent 2.0.1 release straight from the proverbial 'horse's mouth.' This talk will utilize and focus on real-world examples from installation and integration to handling search results.

Sphinx is the acronym for SQL Phrase Index. Some key features of this search engine are (from official site):

1. high indexing speed (upto 10 MB/sec on modern CPUs)
2. high search speed (avg query is under 0.1 sec on 2-4 GB text collections)
3. high scalability (upto 100 GB of text, upto 100 M documents on a single CPU)
4. supports distributed searching (since v.0.9.6)
5. supports MySQL natively (MyISAM and InnoDB tables are both supported)
6. supports phrase searching
7. supports phrase proximity ranking, providing good relevance
8. supports English and Russian stemming
9. supports any number of document fields (weights can be changed on the fly)
10. supports document groups
11. supports stopwords
12. supports different search modes ("match all", "match phrase" and "match any" as of v.0.9.5)
13. generic XML interface which greatly simplifies custom integration
14. pure-PHP (ie. NO module compiling etc) search client API
Watch Online :

Reference Links :

Tuesday 8 November 2011

A good website design and development tips

It is simple, some websites work while others don't and become annoying or useless to their viewers. As a professional web design business, we have created and re-created many sites. The "great" ones have certain things in common. Ezeelive has some useful tips to help you design a successful website :
1.   It is important that your website design is simple and easy to navigate and use. It is also important to note that websites should be clear of clutter and unnecessary design elements. Websites should still be attractive and memorable.
2.   To keep the viewers on your site, your website should download quickly. If your viewer is kept waiting for extended periods of time, they will become frustrated and take their business elsewhere. To reduce the time it takes to download your website, consider the following:
A)  Minimize the elements that increase the file size. These include graphics, flash and scripts
B)  Optimize your HTML and script code. This means you need to get rid of unwanted and unused scripts and tags - your web developer should do this.
C)  Maximize content area
D)  Keep the design simple
3.   It is important that you design a website that is suitable for all screen resolutions. This means that the amount of scrolling needs to be reduced. Also if your website becomes unattractive from one resolution to another, potential clients might click out of your website before they know what you are offering and are all about.
4.   The color of the background needs to make it easier for the viewer to read the text, not more difficult. Examples of colors that do not work well together include red text on a blue background. It is best to use dark text on a light background. The colors used should be suitable for the nature of your website. Some examples include professional, personal or for children.
5.   Popup windows are a big no-no. They irritate the reader and can cause you to lose business. It is also important to note that too many adverts on a page can be annoying especially if they break up important or interesting text. Too many adverts can make the page very cluttered and busy.
6.   Keep the website current and up to date. Let us help you develop an awesome website with all the latest and stable techniques and programs.
7.   It is important that all design elements are considered when designing a website. These include font design, color and size as well as pictures and other illustrations. These design elements need to complement each other and not clash.
8.   Using white space is very important on your website. This makes it easier to read, manage and explore. It also makes the page appear neat, tidy and easy to read.
9.   To ensure that your website is working as it should, be sure to update and test your website regularly.
10.   The content on your website is mainly what your clients are after. Ensure that the content is informative, concise, relevant, appealing and easy to read.
11.   Keep your target audience in mind. Think about the people who would be interested in visiting your Web site.
12.   Provide a form for visitors to contact you. Visitors are more likely to fill out a form to contact you than clicking on an e-mail link. Always make things easy for your visitors... especially contacting you.
13.   Browser compatible. Check your Web site in the most popular browsers to make sure everything is displayed properly. The top two browsers used are Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, but there are others such as the Chrome, Internet Explorer all the versions, Firefox, Safari, AOL browser, Opera and Web TV to name a few. Various versions of the same browser also display differently. It is a good idea to have a program on your computer that checks browser and version compatibility.
12.   Validate website Html, Css, JavaScript, Using W3C Markup Validation Services.
In the last
These tips are handy and necessary when considering designing or upgrading your website. They will ensure that you are on your way to a winning website design.

Friday 28 October 2011

Advantages of Php Web Development

Now a day PHP has turn out to be the most demanding web programming language for web development. There are several reasons why PHP Development is in great demand these days. If you would like to hire PHP developers to develop your business or not, it's a fine thought to be aware of these advantages associated with the development of PHP to understand your best options.
PHP has become one of the most useful web programming platforms, as well as Linux and MySQL. The only costs associated with working with these technologies are the cost of hiring PHP Web developers.
Benefits of development in PHP language:
1. It is an open source language therefore it's free.
2. PHP development provides the best performance at an affordable price which is a great dynamic pages.
3. Coding is very easy to learn
4. PHP language syntax is similar to those of C and C++ languages.
5. Any changes to the site during or after the development can be done easily.
6. The framework and the internal structure of the design is very good.
7. Open source system available for fast development.
8. Run on all the major server plateform

See the more detail on other platforms:

The most ordinary program that you experience in web development today is Java, .NET and PHP. The development of PHP has several points, which give the winning edge over those languages.

.Net programmers Vs PHP programmers:
.NET is a very effective web development program. This is the product of Microsoft, and it is able to reach almost any program you can think if you have got good developer for coding. However, why PHP over the results of the .NET is the cost factors related to the .NET, and the complications involved at the beginning of problems. The development of .NET is just possible in a Windows atmosphere.
Both Windows and other software necessary for .NET appear to be little costly, and therefore the cost of production increases. PHP and related software and operating systems can be gained free of charge. Linux, MySQL, Apache servers etc are all open source and freely obtainable programs!! Its gives the top of PHP, and makes it more attractive for employers to hire PHP developers.

Java programmers Vs PHP programmers :
Java is also very effective web development program. However, development of Java is often perceived as much more complex than PHP. A Java programmer requires a giant deal of experience to take full advantage of the program. But PHP programming is much easier than Java. At the same period PHP is an openness server and Java does not.

So if you are looking for PHP Development Company, Ezeelive is highly professional PHP development company that provides custom PHP development services and banks on its expert PHP development team to deliver inventive PHP web development services, which are cut above the rest. Our developers are also proficient in Lamp programming or Lamp development because of their deep knowledge of Linux, MySQL and PHP. By outsourcing your PHP development to us you get tremendous benefits from our offshore PHP development center in India.

Friday 21 October 2011

Advantages of Prestashop Ecommerce System

Prestashop is robust, professional grade e-Commerce shopping cart that you can download, install, and use for free. In the back end, you will use a full featured back end to manage your inventory, orders, shipping, and customers in real time. Your customer’s payments are sent directly to your commercial bank account using the latest security technology. You can even add your own modules to the shopping cart.
There are main reasons why we should choose Prestashop E-commerce System:

1. Free and open source : If your budget is tight it will save your money which can be used for advertizing (Google AdWords, banners…)

2. Size of software :
2.2 MB (1292 files)

3. SEO friendly :
This is the first thing you should check. It is critical for your web store to be SEO friendly. It is easy to change URLs, Title tags in Prestashop so your SEO experts will be happy with this platform.

4. Animated add to cart :
Prestashop has in-built animated add to cart feature.

5. Multilingual :
In most cases you’ll need to translate your web store in one or few languages. Prestashop supports all major languages.

6. Prestashop is easy to develop :
It’s important to know that there will be developers who can help you for a reasonable price and within reasonable period of time. For e.g. Magento developers are quite expensive because Magento  is not easy to maintain (develop) – it’s quite complicated system.

7. Fast and it does not require expensive servers to run :
We tried Magento but it required too much server resources and configuration so we went back to Prestashop.

8. Many free modules :
You can start your shop in minutes if you are in a rush and of course you save money.

9. It has modules and themes shop :
You can buy required module or theme and improve your shop in minutes. Take a look here. Prestashop validates those modules and ensures quality – so you are not taking any risks. Besides unique solutions costs much more. Developers can sell modules multiple times so they charge less and they are wiling to fix their bugs because they get money for their products.

10. It’s easy to learn :
You do not have to be an e-commerce expert to master Prestashop.

11. It has big community :
Check Prestashop forum. You’ll find answers to most of your questions.

12. It is rapidly improving :
Sometimes it’s annoying because you have to update your Prestashop constantly. But every new release gets better and better. E-commerce is changing rapidly so does and Prestashop.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Comparison between Magento and Prestashop Ecommerce System

Comparison between Magento and Prestashop Ecommerce System

Magento, Prestashop Developer Mumbai

Hello Friends..Thanks for your comments on my previous blog comparison between Magento and Zen-cart.
Recently i finished one project in Prestashop and i found that its very good E-commerce system for small business solution.  And also i found prestashop and little less feature than Magento Provides, Here below i provide brief comparison between Magento and Prestashop

About Magento:

Magento is Open Source eCommerce software. Magento eCommerce was launched on March 31, 2008. Within two years of development, Magento has become one of the most popular eCommerce software.

About Prestashop:

PrestaShop is Open Source e-commerce software for Web 2.0. PrestaShop is available as licensed software and was officially launched in August 2007 for small and medium enterprises. Prestashop is based on the Smarty template engine.

Comparison between Magento & Prestashop

1. Size of software

Presta - 2.2 MB (1292 files)

Magento 10.3 Mb (5521 files)

2. Installation

Prestashop installation requirements are less.

Magento installation needs a lot of extensions like PDO, CURL etc

3. Features

When it comes to features, Magento is a way ahead from Prestashop. Customer groups, product comparison, CMS are there in Magento. Magento’s SEO features make it the most suitable ecommerce software. Magento also provide Multi-Store feature which is very powerful. When it comes to design also, Magento is a clear winner.

Prestashop’s search feature is very impressive. The search on Prestashop frontend is relatively faster than magento.

4. Code contrast

Prestashop is based on PHP5 and Smarty template engine. The first model MVC is not excellent. It will be difficult if you touch the first Prestashop code. The line of code is much more for smarty adoption; which increases the workload for extending development.

Magento adopts Zend framework. The developers are not only required to master PHP, but also required to have good knowledge about Zend framework.

5. Shipping & Payment Modules

Magento offers wide range of shipping and payment modules, whereas such feature is missing in Prestashop.

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Magento is relatively more SEO friendly than Prestashop.

7. Design Flexibility

Design of Magento seems to be difficult than Prestashop. So, if you don’t have much technical skills and you want to customize the Magento Design, then you should hire magento expert.

8. Backoffice

The back office of Magento is less intuitive which requires more technical skills to manage it effectively. Whereas, backoffice of Prestashop is relatively simple and easy.

9. Community

Magento has comparatively larger community. Magento Community have 130,000 members, Prestashop have 30000 members. (Figures are approximate).

Function contrast:
Features Prestashop Magento
Open Source 100% 100%
Pricing Free Free
Templatable Smarty Smarty
Multi-Language Yes Yes
Multi-Currency Yes Yes
Product Reviews Yes Yes
Product Ratings Yes Yes
Downloadable Yes Yes
Related Products Yes Yes
Product Features Yes Yes
Newsletters Yes Yes
Discount Coupon Yes Yes
SEO URLs Yes Yes
Backup & Restore Yes Yes
Printable Invoices Yes Yes
Sales Reports Yes Yes
Free Shipping Yes Yes
Wholesale Yes Yes
News & Events No No
Wish List No Yes
Testimonlals No No
Track order No No
F.A.Q No No
Gift Certificate No No
Recently Viewed No No
Points No No
Bulk Category Add No No
Bulk Product Add No No
Product Comparison No Yes
Statistics Yes No
Affiliate No No
Memberships Yes No
One-page Checkout No No
Order Barcode No No
Merchandise return (RMAs) No No
RSS Feed No Yes
TAG No Yes
Send to friend No No
Access Restrictions No No
Live Chat Software No No

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Comparison between Magento and Zen-Cart Ecommerce System

“What shopping cart do you recommend?” is the number one query we get. An easy enough question, but the answer depends on your business and your requirements. To make your choice simpler, we’ve compared the features of our two most popular carts, Zen Cart and Magento


magento developer mumbai

Magento (community edition) is a free open source shopping cart started by Varien in 2007. Magento impresses with its extensive feature list. Most functions which need to be added on with other carts come as standard. It’s ideally suited for companies who need a professional online shop presence.
1. highly flexible coupon and pricing functions
2. comprehensive filter functionality (filter products by)
3. multi-store as standard
4. ability to create and edit orders in admin
5. large number of high quality modules via Magento Connect
6. no need to hack core code
7. impressive template system

Magento sometimes gets a bad press for being too complex and server resource-intensive. Both are fair comments, but should not put you off considering Magento. With the right developers on board and a high-end hosting environment, Magento can provide extensive functionality at open source level.

Zen Cart

Zen-cart developers mumbai

Zen Cart is an open source project started in 2003, based originally on osCommerce. Zen Cart impresses with its realiability, solid feature list and ease of use, making it ideal for shop owners who intend to handle development themselves.
1. highly reliable
2. includes all standard features to sell online
3. easy to understand templating and PHP structure
4. suitable for coders beginning with PHP
5. light footprint making it very accessible for shared hosting environments
6. friendly forum
7. active development team

That Zen Cart has been around since 2003 however shows in its PHP coding structure. However this downside is exactly what makes it accessible to beginners in PHP and makes it an ideal first cart for new coders.

Comparison between Magento and Zen-Cart

Both Magento and Zen Cart run on the LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Zen Cart is quick to install and is kind to shared hosting environments. Magento is more demanding and requires a high-end hosting enviroment. Zen Cart is usually quick to learn by simply “going in and playing around” whereas for Magento a guide or read on the wiki will help you to get your bearings.
Magento Zen-Cart
Requirements PHP5.2 MySQL4.1.20+, InnoDB, cURL PHP4.0+ MySQL4.1.14+
Open Source? Yes Yes
Unlimited products? Yes Yes
Fee? None None
SSL support full SSL full or shared SSL
Knowledge level for coding? advanced intermediate
Magento has multi-shop as standard, a feature very rarely seen with other carts and a comprehensive templating system. WYSIWYG editor is missing but easily added. Zen Cart is a reliable cart with all features necessary to sell online.
Magento Zen-Cart
Multi-store Yes No
Multi-Lingual Yes Yes
Support for Multiple Currencies Yes Yes
Tax Rate support Yes Yes
iPhone optimised Yes No
Template system Yes Limited
WYSIWYG? Page content management Yes Limited
Email template management Yes No
Administration Permission System Roles and Users Yes Add-on
One-click installs of modules Yes No
Magento impresses with the product filters whilst Zen Cart makes it easy for new shops to get started quickly.
Magento Zen-Cart
Batch Import and Export of catalog Yes Add-on
Google Base Integration Yes Add-on
Layered / Faceted Navigation for filtering of products Yes Limited
Product comparisons Yes No
Product reviews Yes Yes
Bundled products and stock control for attributes stand out with Magento. Zen Cart however has some good features if you want customers to call for price or only use it as brochure-type site.
Magento Zen-Cart
Multiple Images Per Product Yes Yes
Reports Yes Limited
Bundled products (show several products on one page) Yes No
Up-sells in Shopping Cart Yes No
Stock Control Yes Limited
Products can be marked as free or Call for Price Add-on Yes
Min or max quantities and units Add-on Yes
Probably the most important section for online shops these days. Magento has created an comprehensive discount functionality making it very easy to run campaigns. Gift Certificates however are not included in Magento, but they are with Zen Cart.
Magento Zen-Cart
Google Site Map Yes Add-on
URL Rewrites Yes Add-on
Meta-information for products and categories Yes Yes
Discount Coupons Yes Yes
Catalog Promotional Pricing Yes Yes
Multi-tier pricing Yes Yes
Customer groups each with its own pricing structure Yes Add-on
Wishlist Yes No
Newsletter Yes Yes
Gift Certificates No Yes
Getting the checkout right is crucial for sales conversions. Magento recognises this by offering one-page checkout and the ability to buy without having to open an account (guest checkout). It also comes with Google checkout and PayPal as standard. Zen Cart on the the other hand offers a solid standard checkout.
Magento Zen-Cart
Delivery / Billling address Yes Yes
One-Page Checkout Yes Add-on
Checkout without account/Guest Checkout Yes Add-on
Shipping to multiple addresses in one order Yes No
Integrated with Google Checkout (Level 2) Yes Add-on
Creating orders in admin is often required e.g. for orders taken by phone and Magento offers this as standard. Zen Cart does make order management simpler though by allowing you to create your own order statuses.
Magento Zen-Cart
Manage orders from admin Yes Yes
create, edit orders from admin panel. Yes Add-on
Create one or multiple invoices, shipments and credit memos per order to allow for split fulfillment Yes No
Order statuses Preset only Yes
Have you used Magento or ZenCart? If yes, what are your experiences? Let us know by sending a comment below! Or you can contact us on for Ecommerce Portal Development

Saturday 17 September 2011

Gmail new look with features

After the arrival of Google+, Google is now concentrating on the appearance of all the Google services. Already and Gmail Interface got the Google+ look, now the Gmail Login page got the new look of Google+.Now carefully analyzing the new design, we see the left side of the page pretty similar. However the real changes are made on the top side of the page, which has now “Google” image icon at the left side, and on the right there is given an option to “Create an account”.

New Features :

1.  Mail, Contacts, and Tasks links have moved to the top left of Gmail.
2.  Compose mail is now a button rather than a link.
3.  A smaller header area puts the first message in your inbox about 16 pixels higher on the screen.
4.  The Select All, None, Read, Unread, and Starred links that used to be above your messages are now options in a drop-down menu, next to the Archive button.
5.  Contacts work a lot more like Mail. Keyboard shortcuts now work in Contacts too, and we’ve made selecting and grouping contacts more like selecting and labeling email.
6.  Sort contacts by last name. Look under More actions for this option.
7.  Use custom labels for phone numbers and other fields. For example, you can label a phone number as “Vacation home.” Please be aware, ActiveSync for iPhone and Blackberry Sync don’t yet support custom labels so custom labeled numbers/emails/etc. may not appear on your phone.
8.  Undo. Now, when you make changes to your contacts, you can undo your recent changes.
9.  Automatic saving. You no longer need to worry about “edit” mode or “view” mode -- just edit away and Gmail will save your changes.
10. Structured name fields. You can now set name components (i.e. Title, First, Middle, Last and Suffix) explicitly or continue to use the name field as a free form area if you prefer a less structured approach.
11. Manual and bulk contact merge. You can now merge contacts from the More actions menu. Just select the contacts you’d like to merge and select Merge contacts from under the More actions menu. Or, to get a list of suggestions for contacts to merge, select Find and merge duplicates.

Souce : Google

Saturday 27 August 2011

Magento eCommerce system and its advantage

Magento is an open source ecommerce solution. It comes with a variety of tools, necessarily for building a successful online shop. Magento offers a lot of built-in capabilities, such as promo pricing and coupon codes, detailed statistics, and SEO options. ezeelive (php develoeprs mumbai) provide best ecommerce web portal using magento. There below some advantage features of magento which make its best over other ecommerce systems.
Site Management :
  • Control multiple websites and stores from one Administration Panel with ability to share as much or as little information as needed

  • Multi-Lingual

  • Support for localization

  • Support for multiple currencies

  • Administration Permission System Roles and Users

  • Web Services API for easy integration between Magento and any third-party application

  • Flexible tax rate management with support for US and International markets

  • Fully 100% customizable design using templates

  • Customer Groups

  • One-Click Upgrades

  • Content Management System for Informational Pages

Marketing Promotions and Tools :
  • Flexible Coupons (pricing rules) with ability to restrict to stores, customer groups, time period, products, and categories. For example: Percent Discount | Fixed Amount Discount | Free Shipping | Buy x, get y free. | Buy x, get y with percent or fixed amount discount | Buy x, get free shipping on order | Buy x, get percent discount | Buy x, get fixed amount discount.

  • Catalog Promotional Pricing by percentage or fixed amount with ability to restrict to stores, categories, products

  • Free Shipping Option

  • Multi-Tier Pricing for quantity discounts

  • Bundled Products

  • Customer Group-specific pricing and group-specific tier pricing

  • Landing Page Tool for Campaigns

  • Search Engine Friendly URL’s

  • URL Rewrites

  • Recently Viewed Products

  • Recently Compared Items

  • New Items Promotional Tool

  • Up-sells in Shopping Cart

  • Cross-sells on product pages

  • Send to a Friend for all visitors, or registered users only

  • Send Wishlist to a Friend by Email or RSS

  • RSS Feeds for New Products, New Specials and New Tags

  • Auto-generated Site Map

  • Google Site Map

  • Polls

  • Newsletter Management

International Support :
  • Multi-Lingual

  • Support for Multiple Currencies

  • Tax rate support

  • Localization

  • Configurable List of Allowed Countries for:

  1. Site Registration

  2. Shipping Destination Addresses with ability to specify per shipping method

  3. Billing Addresses with ability to specify per payment method

Search Engine Optimization :
  • 100% Search Engine Friendly

  • Google Site Map

  • URL Rewrites give full control of URL’s

  • Meta-information for products and categories

  • Auto-generated Site Map for display on site

  • Auto-Generated Popular Search Terms Page

Checkout :
  • One-Page Checkout

  • SSL security support for orders on both front-end and back-end

  • Shipping to multiple addresses in one order

  • Checkout without account/Guest Checkout

  • Shopping Cart with tax and shipping estimates

  • Checkout with account to use address book

  • Option to create account at beginning of checkout

  • Accept gift messages per order and per item

  • Saved Shopping Carts with configurable expiration time

Shipping :
  • Integrated for real-time shipping rates likes UPS, UPS XML (account rates), FedEx (account rates), USPS and DHL etc.

  • Shipping to multiple addresses in one order

  • On-site order tracking from customer accounts

  • Multiple shipments per order

  • Ability to specify allowed destination countries per method

  • Flat rate shipping per order

  • Flat rate shipping per item

  • Free Shipping

  • Table rates for weight and destination, Table rates for product sub-totals and destination , Table rates for number of items and destination

Payment :
Configurable to authorize and charge, or authorize only and charge on creation of invoices
Integrated with multiple PayPal gateways like Website Payments Standard, Website Payments Pro (Express and Direct), Website Payments Pro UK (Express and Direct), and PayPal PayFlow Pro
Integrated with, Google Checkout (Level 2)
Saved Credit Card method for offline payments
Accept Checks/Money Orders
Accept Purchase Orders
Payment Extensions Available through Magento Connect like Fontis Australia, Cybersource, Protx, Tweakmag Payment, SPPLUS, Fontis New Zealand, eWAY, ChronoPay, ePay, Paybox, iDEAL, Flo2Cash Web Service, Protx Direct Payment Module, PagSeguro Payment Module, CyberMUT Paiement / Paiement CIC, Moduł dla Lento, Payone, PaySimple, UOS, Paymentmodule, Fontis Paymate, Fontis Payment Express, Dibs Payment, WorldPay, Bank Prepayment, VCS, Saferpay, Datarans Paymentgateway, SecureTrading XPay Module, Ogone Payment, Payment Module: ECS Clearing Interface, Fontis SecurePay, (SECPay) Payment Gateway Module, Metodo de pago Servired, Servired, payment module, Fast Transact Integration module, BBS Payment Gateway, Fontis Westpac PayWay, Fontis NAB Transact, Barclays ePDQ, ClickandBuy,Optimal Payments Firepay, (STO), FIA-NET ReceiveAndPay, MultiSafepay Payment Module, Fontis Commonwealth Bank CommWeb, Novalnet Payment Module, 1&1 ipayment, sofortü, (MetaCharge) Payment Gateway Module, payment gateway, Magento FirstData API Payment Module (Originally LinkPoint), Shine Software IWSmile,
Order Management :
  • View, edit, create and fulfill orders from admin panel.

  • Create one or multiple invoices, shipments and credit memos per order to allow for split fulfillment

  • Print invoices and packing slips

  • Call Center (phone) order creation

  • Includes ability to create new customer, or select existing customer and view shopping cart, wishlist, last ordered items, and compared products list, as well as select addresses, give discounts and assign custom prices

  • Create re-orders for customers from administration panel.

  • Email Notifications of Orders

  • RSS feed of New Orders

Customer Service :
  • Contact Us form

  • Feature-rich Customer Accounts

  • Order History with Status Updates

  • Order Tracking from Account

  • Forgot Password Email from front-end and administration panel

  • Order and Account Update Emails

  • Customizable Order Emails

  • Create and Edit Orders from the Admin Panel

Customer Accounts :
  • Order status and history

  • Re-orders from account

  • Recently ordered items

  • Address Book with unlimited addresses

  • Default Billing and Shipping addresses

  • Wishlist with ability to add comments

  • Email or Send RSS feed of Wishlist

  • Newsletter Subscription management

  • Product Reviews submitted

  • Product Tags submitted

  • Account Dashboard for overview of recent orders, personal information, newsletter subscription status, primary billing address, primary shipping address, shopping cart, wishlist, recently ordered items, recently reviews and recent tags

Catalog Management :
  • Inventory Management with Backordered items, Minimum and Maximum quantities

  • Batch Import and Export of catalog

  • Batch Updates to products in admin panel

  • Simple, Configurable (e.g. size, color, etc.), Bundled and Grouped Products

  • Virtual Products

  • Customer Personalized Products – upload text for embroidery, monogramming, etc.

  • Tax Rates per location, customer group and product type

  • Attribute Sets for quick product creation of different item types

  • Create Store-specific attributes on the fly

  • Media Manager with automatic image resizing and watermarking

  • Advanced Pricing Rules and support for Special Prices (see marketing tools)

  • Search Results rewrites and redirects

  • Approve, Edit and Delete Product Tags and Product Reviews

  • RSS feed for Low Inventory Alerts

Catalog Browsing :
  • Layered / Faceted Navigation for filtering of products

  • Static Block tool to create category landing pages

  • Ability to assign designs on category and product level (unique design per product/category)

  • Configurable search with auto-suggested terms

  • Recently viewed products, Product comparisons, Recently compared products

  • Cross-sells, Up-sells and Related Items

  • Popular Search Terms Cloud

  • Filter by Product Tags

  • Product Reviews

  • Product listing in grid or list format

  • Breadcrumbs

Product Browsing :
  • Multiple Images Per Product

  • Product Image Zoom-in Capability

  • Product Reviews

  • Related Products

  • Stock Availability

  • Multi-Tier Pricing Upsell

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